Friday, 2 December 2016


Why I am always scared ? What am I so scared of? Ever since I had my daughter I have fear of everything..Fear of sound,fear of hospitals,fear or baby crying, fear of everything...I came to Malaysia 8 Years ago... I got married here... I was blessed with a beautiful daughter.. Every thing was perfect till the 3rd week.

On the 3rd week after my lil one was born , my lil one started screaming and crying and crying... even though was a  new mom I was very confident I knew exactly why baby cries....I knew because I have seen babies crying I grew up with my cousins, my nephew and my niece.. But it wasnt a normal was very different it was very painful cry. We tried everything at first we thought due to colic. We gave her massage , stimulated her body...I ate very balanced diet... because I was breastfeeding.

On the 2n day she kept crying and her fever was very high... at the same day we took her to the hospital but unfortunately all doctors were on leave due to public holiday. Malaysia has many public holidays :(  We took her to the emergency and saw a doctor he said "She is okay, Its just a gassy stomach" I wasn't happy I knew it wasn't because of a gassy stomach ,I had a very cold feeling.. We did everything we could.My mom said it could be evil eye..(Since I am from Nepal we do believe in evil eyes and blah blah blah)..we did some prayers....some said it must be colic dont worry, some said babies are like that lah.( By the way LAH is Malaysian slang)
On the 3rd day her fever spiked so we had to rush her to the hospital again. Thank god! The paediatrician was on duty. The moment she saw my baby she said " This is not a normal cry, Mummy we have to admit her.' I was totally blank when she said that. I just gave birth. My stitches were still painful I couldnt walk properly. And I asked her what shall we do? Is it just a normal fever? Why do we have to admit her? Why cant we take her back home? Why dont you just give us some medicine? Doc said " Sorry we have to keep her and she has to be on antibiotics and we have to do LUMBER PUNCTURE.

Being honest I haver never stepped in to the hospitals before. Specially NICU, I cant see small children getting sick. Mater of fact anybody... I always hated to go to the hospitals. Never liked the energy of the hospitals.The pain people go thru, the tears they shed...
She said we have to do Lumber Punture. I was lost again...What is LUMBER PUNCTURE? How do they do it? Is it safe to do on young children? Why do we have to do this? then Doc said we have to do or else we wont know why she is having Fever...Why she crying so bad. This is the only way to find out. My heart was aching... I had to leave my lil one at the hospital and come home. I cried all the way home... I was so happy everything was perfect...What did I do wrong? Why is my baby sick???????

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